SPICE Modeling of Analog Circuits Containing Constant Phase Elements

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článek ve sborníku
Simple models of constant phase elements (CPEs) for DC, AC, and transient analyses are proposed and implemented in SPICE-compatible simulation programs. The models are based on the operator impedances of the CPEs, which are rewritten to the Laplace-domain formulas of the corresponding behavioral controlled sources in SPICE. The controlled sources are designed so that their respective frequency and impulse characteristics take into account the specific limitations of the convolutional method of transient analysis used in SPICE when evaluating the responses of Laplace sources. Examples of the simulation tasks focusing on supply and communication systems highlight the advantages and weaknesses of the models.
Klíčová slova
constant phase element
fractional order
transient analysis
transfer function
frequency response
impulse response
Mittag-Leffler function